Thursday, June 29, 2017

Daily Bugle - Summer Camp Edition #3

 Sometimes a little rest in the wide open outdoors is just the ticket.

 And...sometimes a little rest in the outdoors just isn't enough.

 Lunch with good friends is a great time.

 Anyone else whistling the theme to the Andy Griffith show in their head?

 More lunch fun...

 Good hygiene even at summer camp is really important. Please pass the Dial soap...

Hey! Is that world famous Dead Eye getting all his shots in?

I may not have gotten all the narratives exactly right, but it does make for a good story.  Looks like the weather is still holding in the good column.  Someone is being nice to the weather rock.  Pictures courtesy of G. Lupo.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Daily Bugle - Summer Camp Edition #2

 Looks like our guys are performing a flag ceremony for the camp.

 Looks like the color guard commander and staff member.

 Uh oh, looks like we have a hammock farm!

 It's great to be on top of the world.

 Adults and scouts alike enjoy the view.

 Looks like the various troops are lining up for flags at the end of the day.

Out of the way! There's a run on the camp trading post!

I may not have gotten all the captions accurate, but it does make for a good story.  It looks like the weather is still wonderful at the camp.  A good time had by all.  We have a birthday boy today, hopefully we'll get a picture or two of that event.  Pictures courtesy of E. Lupo.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Daily Bugle - Special Edition

 Resting in camp before going out to tackle merit badge work.

 One of our scouts at the camp swimming pool.

 Lord only knows what's going on here.

 Looks like this could be part of the trail to first class activities.

 Resting under a tree is always a good time with other scouts.

Standing in line for chow.

 More standing in line in the... waiting place.

 Good looking canoe techniques.  Keep up the good work in case there is a relay race later in the week.

Great group of troop leaders having enjoyed a wonderful meal.

I may not have gotten all the captions completely accurate, but it does make for a good story.  Looks like wonderful weather so far, and a good time had by all.  Pictures courtesy of E. Lupo.

Daily Bugle - Summer Camp Edition

 Looks like some of our scouts taking instruction from a Camp Alexander Staff Member.

 Ah, yes, the Sunday arrival required photograph.

 Our SPL at camp activities, good role model, water bottle handy

 More camp activities, hats are definitely a plus.

 Shooting merit badges range

 Our scouts are helping out giving food out to other participants.

 And they are doing a great job with the food.

 Hopefully, this is part of the first aid class and not the real thing.

 This could be part of the first aid merit badge, or part of a camp wide relay race.

 Waiting in the chow line.

 Looks like the cooking staff did a great job.

 Looks like our troop had flag duty.

 And it looks like they did a great job staying in step.

Our own troop Chaplain's Aide offering a prayer.  Great job!

Not sure I got all the captions exactly correct, but it makes for a good story.  All in all it looks like the troop is having a great time at summer camp.  Next edition will be published when more pictures are available. Pictures courtesy E. Lupo.

It has been a good summer camp so far....

Saturday, June 24, 2017

NYLT Big Horn - Thoughts

Last week I had the privilege of serving on staff on the National Youth Leadership Team (NYLT) for Denver Area Council (DAC).  It was my second year of serving on staff and it was just as grand this year as I remember from last year.

An adult's role as a staff member is primarily health and safety related.  The youth staff run the program, and act as mentors to the participants.  Also what the adults get to do is watch their patrols learn how to work together, grow individually and as a group, and graduate from the week long program with the confidence to take what they have learned back to their troop.

We had a couple of injuries throughout the week, for which I made purple heart fobs, given for wounds received in action.  Our medic gave out fobs for super survivor of the day for participants who came in to see the Medic but survived their events in heroic fashion.

All the participants got to take a turn at being a patrol leader for a day throughout the week. At the end of the week, each patrol elected a permanent patrol leader, who will always be known as the patrol leader for the week and color of the patrol.  These participants were sworn in on the last day.

The patrols had to work together to make the time allocated productive before the next event began, and they couldn't be late for that next event.  It can be stressful on the patrols, but they are given tools or strategies throughout the week to work through conflicts and to resolve differences so they can become high functioning teams.

This is one of the best programs I've seen both in business and outside of business.  These young people are getting training that will provide them with strategies that will help them not only in their scouting careers, but in business and life in general.

It was another wonderful experience to work with these young people, both as participants and youth staff, as well as watch them grow and learn throughout the week.  At the end of the week, they all stand a little taller, and more confident than when we started.

It was a good week.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Pets - New Thoughts

This is going to be a quick read.  So...Mike the dog had stitches a couple of days ago to repair a wound he received while running in the back yard.  Turns out those metal edgers are really dangerous.  Tuesday's bill - ~$300.

On Thursday - Checkers, the neurotic poodle went in for her annual comprehensive exam.  Turns out she isn't quite so neurotic.  She required extensive dental work.  Thursday's bill - ~$800

On Friday - Mike the dog had to go back for a follow up on his stitches.  Turns out, despite best efforts, the 50 lb little guy ate his stitches out sometime since Tuesday, so they have to redo his medical procedure.  Friday's bill - ~$300.

Sigh.  I go back to the doctor for a checkup this afternoon, Mike gets to come home after that appointment., and the two dogs are all on pain killers, and antibiotics.  What a hoot.  Can't beat family.

I'm hoping for a good day.

Eagle Rank Requirements - A Reminder

As a troop, we have quite a few Life Scouts who are working on their Eagle Rank.  Now would be a good time to remind everyone what it tak...