Wednesday, April 26, 2017


This particular entry isn't scout specific, but I just had to share...

This morning I was having breakfast by myself at a local restaurant.  I was seated at a table for two which is quite routine for a party of one.  Next to me was a couple who was also having something to eat.  They were younger, perhaps mid 20's, and something about them caught my attention.  Nothing in particular, the lady had her back to me, and I never heard anything from her side of the conversation.  The guy, on the other hand, was an interesting dude.  He was clean enough.  Wore his hat on backwards, wore his pants on his hips and his underwear on his waist - Hanes, and had some plastic thing in his ear lobe that left a hole about 1/2 inch round.

I really wasn't paying much attention to my surroundings, the truth is I was catching up on some 90 emails in my inbox for the day.  Until....I heard the guy tell the girl..."when I was in jail in Florida, the first thing they do is take your finger prints, then they take an iris scan."  I didn't hear anything else from the conversation, nothing before, and nothing after.

I didn't look up, look around, look at them - nothing, except to start thinking.  "when I was in jail in Florida" - does that imply there are other states in which he was in jail?  What was he in jail for? How long was he in for - couldn't have been that long, he is still young.  Did the lady know about this guy's past?  What did she think of the comment?  She didn't look kidnapped.  Then my food arrived.

As I was enjoying my breakfast, they got up to leave.  Good, they had their bill in hand.  I was hoping he wasn't in the pokey for stiffing the waitstaff someplace.  I found the entire non-encounter unbelievable.  I make a habit of making up a real sounding story about people who I don't know and have never met, but have seen someplace.  That's kind of fun, but this non-encounter stands a chance of having a more interesting real story than anything I could possibly make up.

I'm so glad he's not my kid.  I'm so glad my kid is mine, an Eagle Scout to boot, and a really good egg.  I'm so glad all your kids are not this kid, all the scouts I know are really good eggs.  Using that as my final thought on this, I've decided it was a good day.

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