Friday, July 28, 2017

Color Guard A Go Go

Our troop color guard did a great job at the annual Park Hill 4th of July parade.  And pretty much we thought we were done for the summer.  The next event we generally take part in is the Veteran's Day parade in November.

Not so fast...our color guard was invited to support two events in July for Southeast Denver Baseball. Also in July, our color guard was asked to provide support for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life.  Finally in July, our color guard was found on facebook and requested to support the Paralyzed Veteran's of America Rocky Mountain Roll.

In August, our color guard was invited back to present the colors at the National Night Out event at Cook Park. Our color guard will coordinate flag duties with members of other scouting organizations, cub scouts and girl scouts.

Recently, we have had 2 requests for support for separate events on the same weekend August 12 & 13.  These requests we have had to decline, because the troop, including color guard members are going on a 14ner campout, and are simply unavailable.

I'm so proud of these scouts who provide this service, and their parents, without whom the scouts could not do any of these presentations.

Congratulations on a job well done.  Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy Independence Day

Happy 4th of July everyone!  It was a great day for a parade.  Park Hill had their small town in a big city parade again this year, and for Troop 376 it was our pleasure to lead off the parade with our Color Guard.

Every year, the parade gets more participants and, even better, more spectators.  We were right behind the lead fire truck and the scouts did a great job.

We had the banner scouts - they are the ones in charge of carrying our troop banner proudly along the parade route.  These are our "out front" scouts because it's their job to keep the banner between the fire truck and the color guard.

Then we had the color guard.  These scouts are trained in the proper care and positioning of the American and Colorado flags for various types of events.  Parades in general is one of our most favorite events, and this particular parade is such fun, as the spectators are enthusiastic and welcoming of our scouts and color guard.

Then there are the parents. The wonderful support team that help make each and every event successful for our scouts and troop.  This parade was no different, we had siblings give out 300 hand held flags to spectators, we had parents pulling small wagons carrying water, water bottles, boxes of flags, and assorted other support items.  We even had our scoutmaster and his dad in the parade as well, it was inspiring.

The weather was hot, but otherwise good and clear.  It is, after all, July.  We had many more scouts turn out than we had expected which was a wonderful surprise, and a very good showing for this public service.

All in all it was a very good day.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Board of Reviews

One of the absolute delights I get to do as a scouter within a troop, is to participate in a rank advancement board of review.  Why, might you ask is this one of my favorite activities as an adult in the troop?  Well, if I have to put it into words, it is always very cool to interview a young man about his involvement in the troop, what he likes, what he would change, and how he can give back to the troop after becoming a leader.

But more than listening to their responses, it's fun to watch them grow into the role for their next rank. One of the first things they must do is to interview and chat with several adults who listen to their responses, but also watch for poise, self confidence, kindness, and knowledge of the concepts.

Yes, I said concepts - for a board of review is not a retest of what skills they have already passed and have demonstrated proficiency with, but how best to utilize the skills to help the troop and to help other scouts learn the skills and make the troop even better.  The ability for a young person to sit and answer questions during an interview setting is invaluable practice for skills needed later on in life.  He has to think on his feet, come across as knowledgeable and respectful, and clearly demonstrate that he is ready for that next rank.  The panel of adults get the privilege of watching the young people find their way, grow up seemingly right before our eyes, and practice skills they will need as productive members of society.  Perhaps a job interview might be a place the skills will come in handy.

I had an opportunity to participate on a board of review today, and like always, it was awesome.  I've known this scout for a while now, and was absolutely blown away with his poise and confidence during our interview.  Several other adults asked very good questions and the young man answered each and every question with a reasoned, thoughtful answer.  Not bad for a 12 year old.

I cannot wait to see what the rest of his scouting career holds for him.  As with all the other scouts, I won't be very far away, cheering them all on.  This particular scout passed his board of review with flying colors and is well prepared for his journey to his next rank.

It was a great day.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Daily Bugle - Summer Camp Final Edition

 Day Pack? Check.  Hiking Boots? Check. It's off to merit badge class.

This camp is beautiful even at twilight.

 Instruction on Safety Afloat, before getting into the canoes.

 Instructions before Geocaching

 First Aid class. Nothing to worry about.

Photography merit badge

 Final Night Campfire

Camp attendance at flags

Our troop retrieving the colors of the United States and Colorado

One of the few adult sightings - not taking a nap

More Photography practice

 Early morning hike to the top of the world

 Actually, early morning hike to the next mountain over

Hmm - helmets, and ropes...climbing perhaps?

I may not have gotten all the captions exactly accurate, but they do make for a good story.  Special thanks to Richard, Darren, Suzette, Dan, Eric, and Ginny for without the adults going with the scouts to summer camp, the scouts wouldn't be able to go.  The weather rock did it's work - even though they didn't have one, the weather was ideal all week.  The scouts in my car voted the camp trading post the best trading post ever.  Tons of merit badges earned.  Trail to first class was well attended, we will have a bunch of first class scouts in no time.  Pictures courtesy of E. Lupo.

It was a very good week.

Eagle Rank Requirements - A Reminder

As a troop, we have quite a few Life Scouts who are working on their Eagle Rank.  Now would be a good time to remind everyone what it tak...