Sunday, July 2, 2017

Board of Reviews

One of the absolute delights I get to do as a scouter within a troop, is to participate in a rank advancement board of review.  Why, might you ask is this one of my favorite activities as an adult in the troop?  Well, if I have to put it into words, it is always very cool to interview a young man about his involvement in the troop, what he likes, what he would change, and how he can give back to the troop after becoming a leader.

But more than listening to their responses, it's fun to watch them grow into the role for their next rank. One of the first things they must do is to interview and chat with several adults who listen to their responses, but also watch for poise, self confidence, kindness, and knowledge of the concepts.

Yes, I said concepts - for a board of review is not a retest of what skills they have already passed and have demonstrated proficiency with, but how best to utilize the skills to help the troop and to help other scouts learn the skills and make the troop even better.  The ability for a young person to sit and answer questions during an interview setting is invaluable practice for skills needed later on in life.  He has to think on his feet, come across as knowledgeable and respectful, and clearly demonstrate that he is ready for that next rank.  The panel of adults get the privilege of watching the young people find their way, grow up seemingly right before our eyes, and practice skills they will need as productive members of society.  Perhaps a job interview might be a place the skills will come in handy.

I had an opportunity to participate on a board of review today, and like always, it was awesome.  I've known this scout for a while now, and was absolutely blown away with his poise and confidence during our interview.  Several other adults asked very good questions and the young man answered each and every question with a reasoned, thoughtful answer.  Not bad for a 12 year old.

I cannot wait to see what the rest of his scouting career holds for him.  As with all the other scouts, I won't be very far away, cheering them all on.  This particular scout passed his board of review with flying colors and is well prepared for his journey to his next rank.

It was a great day.

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